Hot Yoga FAQ


New Students

  • -Avoid eating anything heavy 2 hours before class

    -Make sure you have been hydrating prior to class

  • Plan on arriving 15 minutes early so we can show you around and get you settled on your mat. 

  • Be sure to bring water. Mats & towels are available for rent, otherwise you can bring your own. We recommend a bath size towel and hand towel.

  • We were all new to hot yoga at one point! It can take several classes for your body to acclimate to the heat. It is completely normal to be a little overwhelmed during your first class. Be kind to yourself: listen to your body, rest when you need to, and try to stay in the room. You can always lay on your mat and takes breaks accordingly. 

  • Yes we have 2 showers, 2 locker rooms, 2 bathrooms, 3 changing stalls as well cubbies & lockers you may use. *We recommend bringing your own lock for your valuables.

Hot Yoga

  • -Build strength

    -Reduce stress

    -Increase your metabolism

    -Detoxify your body and mind

    -Improve flexibility

    -Improve circulation

    -Lower blood pressure

    -Increase energy & stamina

  • Each class has a range of temperatures & humidity that will be monitored by the teacher. Ranges are from 90-105 degrees depending on the class.

  • Our studio is a blend of forced heat and infrared panels for maximum circulation, consistent temps through the space, and maximum health benefits.

  • Infrared heating utilizes invisible, low-frequency waves to gently heat the body from within. Here are the main benefits your body can receive during an infrared hot yoga session:

    1. Deep Tissue Penetration: 

    -Infrared heat penetrates deep into the body, reaching muscles, joints, and tissues. This deep penetration helps to enhance flexibility and mobility by loosening tight muscles and promoting greater range of motion during yoga poses. 

    1. Detoxification: 

    -Sweating is a natural process that helps to eliminate toxins from the body. FAR infrared heat prompts sweating from the inside out, allowing for a more thorough detoxification compared to traditional heating methods. 

    1. Improved Circulation: 

    -The heat generated by infrared panels increases blood flow and circulation throughout the body. This enhanced circulation delivers more oxygen and nutrients to muscles and tissues, promoting faster recovery and reducing the risk of injury. Increased blood circulation greatly enhances your practice, allowing your body to feel stronger and balanced during a Hot Yoga class. 

    1. Enhanced Relaxation: 

    -FAR infrared heating creates a gentle, soothing, uniform warmth that helps to relax both the body and mind. 

    1. Calorie Burning: 

    Infrared heating can further increase calorie expenditure compared to traditional heat. The body works harder to regulate its core temperature in response to the infrared heat, resulting in more calories burned during the yoga session.

    1. Pain Relief: 

    -Infrared heat has been shown to provide relief from chronic pain conditions such as arthritis, fibromyalgia, and muscle soreness. By increasing circulation and reducing inflammation, it can alleviate discomfort and improve overall comfort levels during and after a yoga practice.

Booking a Class

  • Class reservations can be made through our website or the Fire & Flow App.

  • 5 minutes max so you do not disrupt the teacher and students and also for your safety as you will not be properly warmed up.


  • Members are allowed to bring a guest. Guest must create an account

  • Memberships on auto-pay can be canceled at any time. 

  • Ask the front desk.

  • Yes. Class packages expire after 12 months.

  • Yes

Studio Policies

  • 16 years of age or older 

  • Your mat, beach/yoga/bath towel, hand towel, water, props

  • Refunds can be made minus and classes/ credits used.

  • Not at this time

  • No

Sauna and Cold Plunge Routine

  • To reduce muscle soreness, it’s best within 60 minutes post-exercise. Generally, Cold plunges are linked to wakefulness and might be more suited for the morning to help energize and start the day productively. Saunas, on the other hand, are associated with relaxation. Experiment with timing.

  • The frequency can vary based on individual tolerance and goals. Typically, 2-3 times per week is sufficient. It’s important to listen to your body and adjust accordingly.

  •  Enhanced circulation and muscle recovery, strengthening immune function, fat burning and weight loss, stress reduction and improved mood, increases energy levels, sleep improvement, reduces inflammation, helps detoxify the body.

  • Certain health conditions can make the sauna and cold plunge routine unsafe. Individuals with cardiovascular issues, high blood pressure, respiratory problems, or those who are pregnant should exercise caution. It’s always advisable to consult with a healthcare provider before starting this routine, especially if you have existing health concerns.

  • Bring a bathing suit, bath towel, flip flops, water bottle, change of clothes for when you are finished, and a waterproof bag (grocery bag) for your wet items.

  • Hydrate! Bring a bathing suit, bath towel, flip flops, water bottle, change of clothes for when you are finished, and a waterproof bag (grocery bag) for your wet items.

  • Start with the Sauna! Spend about 15-20 minutes in the sauna, allowing your body to experience the warmth and your muscles to relax. Then, take a one to two minute rinse in the shower with lukewarm water to let your body temperature cool down. Finally, transition to the Cold Plunge and try to stay in for 1-3 minutes gradually increasing the time with each session. Repeat the Cycle: Alternate between the sauna and the cold plunge for 2-3 cycles.

  • Hydrate and Rest! Once you’ve completed the routine, hydrate again with water or an electrolyte drink. Allow your body some time to rest and normalize before engaging in any strenuous activity. Listen to your body and don’t overdo it! Always consult with a physician if you have pre existing health conditions.